
Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

Macro Change Material Genetic

automacro cm {
weight < 99%
inventory "Steel" < 669
inventory "Tsurugi [1]" > 0
priority 4
run-once 1
delay 1
call cm

macro cm {
$steel = @invamount (Steel)
$tsu = @eval(@invamount (Tsurugi [1]))

$steelamount = @eval(@eval(@invamount (steel)) / 10)
$i = @eval($tsu + $steelamount)

$cweight = $.weight
$mweight = @eval($.maxweight)
$avweight = @eval($mweight - $cweight)
$rmndr = @eval ($avweight % 120)
$buy = @eval(@eval (@eval (@eval($avweight - $rmndr) / 120) - 1 + $i) * 10)

if (($steel < $buy) && (@invamount (Tsurugi [1]) > 0)) goto cm
goto end
$si = 55
$upbound = @eval($si + $tsu)
log $upbound
do stand
pause 1
log upper bound is $upbound
while ($si <= $upbound) as cmloop
#log $si of $upbound
if ($si > 9) goto convertToHex
goto hex

$deci = $si
$rmndr = @eval ($deci % 16)
$quo = @eval (@eval($deci - $rmndr) / 16)
if ($rmndr = 10) goto A
if ($rmndr = 11) goto B
if ($rmndr = 12) goto C
if ($rmndr = 13) goto D
if ($rmndr = 14) goto E
if ($rmndr = 15) goto F
goto hex
$rmndr = A
goto hex
$rmndr = B
goto hex
$rmndr = C
goto hex
$rmndr = D
goto hex
$rmndr = E
goto hex
$rmndr = F
goto hex

if ($quo > 0) goto hex1
if ($quo = 0) goto hex2
goto scm
if (rmdnr = 0) goto norem
$hex = $quo$rmndr
goto scm
$norem = 0
$hex = $quo$norem
goto scm
$hex = 0$rmndr
goto scm
#log $hex
if (@invamount (Tsurugi [1]) < 1) goto end
#do send 13 01 01 00 BE 09 D8 7F 50 00
do send E4 07 10 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 $hex 00 01 00
end cmloop

release all
automacro buyT {
weight <= 87%
inventory "Tsurugi [1]" < 1
priority 1
location prt_in 168 128
run-once 1
exclusive 1
delay 3
call buy
macro buy {
$weight = $.weight
#lock loweight
$steel = @eval(@eval(@invamount (steel)) / 10)
$tsu = @invamount (Tsurugi [1])
$i = @eval($tsu + $steel)
$cweight = $.weight
$mweight = @eval($.maxweight * .89)
$avweight = @eval($mweight - $cweight)
$rmndr = @eval ($avweight % 120)
$buy = @eval (@eval (@eval($avweight - $rmndr) / 120) - 1 + $i)

log $i < $buy

#while ($i <= 29) as loop

do talk 0
pause 1
do store
pause 2
#pause 0.5
while ($i <= $buy) as buyloop
do buy 13
#log $i of $buy
$cweight = $.weight
end buyloop
#do north
pause 1
do charselect
if ($weight > 86%) goto buy
goto cm
release all
lock buyT
call cm
#release buyT

6 komentar:

  1. kok ga bia ya bro macronya?

  2. bang admin, sebelumnya maaf, saya newbie abis, kagak ngerti bahasa program...
    itu macro diatas kok tidak jalan jalan yah....
    [macro] buy error: error in5:@eval($.maxweight * .89) failed
    ada tulisan merah da console bot
    mohon pecerahannya bang admin
    tq sebelmunya

  3. gemana gak error boleh copas dari forum openkore,, sedangkan yang punya nh macro yang asli aja masih ngalamin error -_-"

  4. ke tanya jawab aja gan, sambil baca rulez dlu

  5. sep thx gan, macro an jalan

  6. Bro mau tanya kok gw muncul eror knp ya?
